This page relates to standalone SoapUI Pro, which has been replaced by ReadyAPI.
To try the new functionality, feel free to feel free to download a ReadyAPI trial from our website.
Note: This article covers installing a license from file. If you are using floating licenses, see the article Install Floating License instead.
The process of installing a SoapUI license consists of two parts:
A) Installing the license,
B) activating the licese.
Activation can be done either online (from inside SoapUI, or "offline" (via email).
Install License
When starting ReadyAPI the first time you will be asked to install a license.

1: Select the .key file you received from SmartBear.

2: Click OK
You are asked to accept the license agreement.

3a: Select the I accept the terms... option
3c: Click OK to accept the terms
License Activation