This page relates to standalone SoapUI pro, which has been replaced by SoapUI in the ReadyAPI family.
To try the new functionality, feel free to download a ReadyAPI trial.
Online License Deactivation
To deactivate your ReadyAPI license:
- Open the Help menu and choose Deactivate License
You will be presented with the following popup:

The dectivation guide starts:

- Check I want to deactivate the license
- Click Next
The license is deactivated immediately, but you also need to notify the vendor.

- Select the Online option
- Click Next
(If the online deactivation does not go through, you can try the offline option)
You will be asked for your Internet connection details:

A progress dialog is shown:

If you ran into any issues during license activation, please consult with our License Troubleshooting guide.
If you are still experiencing issues, please contact our support.