Interface | Description |
AbstractRequestConfig |
An XML AbstractRequest(@
AccessTokenPositionConfig |
An XML AccessTokenPosition(@
AccessTokenStatusConfig |
An XML AccessTokenStatus(@
ActionMappingPositionTypeConfig |
An XML ActionMappingPositionType(@
AMFRequestTestStepConfig |
An XML AMFRequestTestStep(@
AnonymousTypeConfig |
An XML AnonymousType(@
AssertionEntryConfig |
An XML AssertionEntry(@
AssertionTestStepConfig |
An XML AssertionTestStep(@
AsyncResponseStepConfig |
An XML AsyncResponseStep(@
AttachmentConfig |
An XML Attachment(@
BaseMockOperationConfig |
An XML BaseMockOperation(@
BaseMockResponseConfig |
An XML BaseMockResponse(@
BaseMockServiceConfig |
An XML BaseMockService(@
BreakPointConfig |
An XML BreakPoint(@
BreakPointPropertiesConfig |
An XML BreakPointProperties(@
CheckedParameterConfig |
An XML CheckedParameter(@
CheckedParametersListConfig |
An XML CheckedParametersList(@
CompressedStringConfig |
An XML CompressedString(@
CredentialsConfig |
An XML Credentials(@
CredentialsConfig.AuthType |
An XML authType(@
CrossSiteScriptingScanConfig |
An XML CrossSiteScriptingScan(@
DatabaseConnectionConfig |
An XML DatabaseConnection(@
DatabaseConnectionContainerConfig |
An XML DatabaseConnectionContainer(@
DataGeneratorPropertyConfig |
An XML DataGeneratorProperty(@
DataGeneratorPropertyConfig.Mode |
An XML mode(@
DataGeneratorStepConfig |
An XML DataGeneratorStep(@
DataSinkConfig |
An XML DataSink(@
DataSinkStepConfig |
An XML DataSinkStep(@
DataSourceConfig |
An XML DataSource(@
DataSourceLoopStepConfig |
An XML DataSourceLoopStep(@
DataSourceStepConfig |
An XML DataSourceStep(@
DataSourceTypeConfig |
An XML dataSourceType(@
DefaultEndpointStrategyConfig |
An XML DefaultEndpointStrategy(@
DefinitionCacheConfig |
An XML DefinitionCache(@
DefinitionCacheTypeConfig |
An XML DefinitionCacheType(@
DefintionPartConfig |
An XML DefintionPart(@
DriverConfigConfig |
An XML DriverConfig(@
DriversTypeConfig |
An XML DriversType(@
EndpointConfig |
An XML Endpoint(@
EndpointConfig.Mode |
An XML mode(@).
EndpointGroupConfig |
An XML EndpointGroup(@
EndpointGroupEndpointConfig |
An XML EndpointGroupEndpoint(@
EndpointsConfig |
An XML Endpoints(@
EndpointStrategyConfig |
An XML EndpointStrategy(@
EnvironmentConfig |
An XML Environment(@
EnvironmentEndpointConfig |
An XML EnvironmentEndpoint(@
EventHandlerTypeConfig |
An XML EventHandlerType(@
ExecutionStrategyConfig |
An XML ExecutionStrategy(@
FuzzerConfig |
An XML Fuzzer(@
FuzzerScanConfig |
An XML FuzzerScan(@
GotoConditionConfig |
An XML GotoCondition(@
GotoConditionTypeConfig |
An XML GotoConditionType(@
GotoStepConfig |
An XML GotoStep(@
GroovySecurityCheckConfig |
An XML GroovySecurityCheck(@
GroovySecurityScanConfig |
An XML GroovySecurityScan(@
GroupAssertionListConfig |
An XML GroupAssertionList(@
HeaderConfig |
An XML Header(@
HttpRequestConfig |
An XML HttpRequest(@
IncomingWssConfig |
An XML IncomingWss(@
InterfaceConfig |
An XML Interface(@
InterfaceDocumentConfig |
A document containing one interface(@ element.
InvalidSecurityCheckConfig |
An XML InvalidSecurityCheck(@
InvalidSecurityScanConfig |
An XML InvalidSecurityScan(@
JdbcRequestTestStepConfig |
An XML JdbcRequestTestStep(@
JMSDeliveryModeTypeConfig |
An XML JMSDeliveryModeType(@
JMSHeaderConfConfig |
An XML JMSHeaderConf(@
JMSPropertiesConfConfig |
An XML JMSPropertiesConf(@
JMSPropertyConfig |
An XML JMSProperty(@
KeyIdentifierTypeConfig |
An XML KeyIdentifierType(@
KeyMaterialCryptoConfig |
An XML KeyMaterialCrypto(@
LoadStrategyConfig |
An XML LoadStrategy(@
LoadTestAssertionConfig |
An XML LoadTestAssertion(@
LoadTestConfig |
An XML LoadTest(@
LoadTestLimitTypesConfig |
An XML LoadTestLimitTypes(@
LockedFileInfoConfig |
An XML LockedFileInfo(@
LockedFileInfoDocumentConfig |
A document containing one lockedFileInfo(@ element.
MalformedXmlAttributeConfig |
An XML MalformedXmlAttribute(@
MalformedXmlConfig |
An XML MalformedXml(@
MaliciousAttachmentConfig |
An XML MaliciousAttachment(@
MaliciousAttachmentElementConfig |
An XML MaliciousAttachmentElement(@
MaliciousAttachmentSecurityCheckConfig |
An XML MaliciousAttachmentSecurityCheck(@
MaliciousAttachmentSecurityScanConfig |
An XML MaliciousAttachmentSecurityScan(@
ManualTestStepConfig |
An XML ManualTestStep(@
MessageContentAssertionConfig |
An XML MessageContentAssertion(@
MessageContentElementConfig |
An XML MessageContentElement(@
MockOperationConfig |
An XML MockOperation(@
MockOperationDispatchStyleConfig |
An XML MockOperationDispatchStyle(@
MockOperationDocumentConfig |
A document containing one mockOperation(@ element.
MockOperationQueryMatchDispatchConfig |
An XML MockOperationQueryMatchDispatch(@
MockOperationQueryMatchDispatchConfig.Query |
An XML query(@
MockResponseConfig |
An XML MockResponse(@
MockResponseStepConfig |
An XML MockResponseStep(@
MockServiceConfig |
An XML MockService(@
MockServiceDocumentConfig |
A document containing one mockService(@ element.
ModelItemConfig |
An XML ModelItem(@
MustUnderstandTypeConfig |
An XML MustUnderstandType(@
NewAttributeAttributeConfig |
A document containing one NewAttribute(@ attribute.
NewXSDComplexTypeConfig |
An XML NewXSDComplexType(@
OAuth1ProfileConfig |
An XML OAuth1Profile(@
OAuth1ProfileContainerConfig |
An XML OAuth1ProfileContainer(@
OAuth2FlowConfig |
An XML OAuth2Flow(@
OAuth2ProfileConfig |
An XML OAuth2Profile(@
OAuth2ProfileContainerConfig |
An XML OAuth2ProfileContainer(@
OldRestRequestConfig |
An XML OldRestRequest(@
OperationConfig |
An XML Operation(@
OperationDocumentConfig |
A document containing one operation(@ element.
OperationStylesConfig |
An XML OperationStyles(@
OperationTypesConfig |
An XML OperationTypes(@
OutgoingWssConfig |
An XML OutgoingWss(@
ParameterExposureCheckConfig |
An XML ParameterExposureCheck(@
PartsConfig |
An XML Parts(@
PartsConfig.Part |
An XML part(@
ProjectConfig |
An XML Project(@
PropertiesStepConfig |
An XML PropertiesStep(@
PropertiesTypeConfig |
An XML PropertiesType(@
PropertyConfig |
An XML Property(@
PropertyTransferConfig |
An XML PropertyTransfer(@
PropertyTransferSourceTypeConfig |
An XML PropertyTransferSourceType(@
PropertyTransfersStepConfig |
An XML PropertyTransfersStep(@
PropertyTransferTargetTypeConfig |
An XML PropertyTransferTargetType(@
PropertyTransferTypesConfig |
An XML PropertyTransferTypes(@
ReflectedXSSCheckConfig |
An XML ReflectedXSSCheck(@
ReflectedXSSScanConfig |
An XML ReflectedXSSScan(@
RefreshAccessTokenMethodConfig |
An XML RefreshAccessTokenMethod(@
RegexConfig |
An XML Regex(@
RegistryEntryConfig |
An XML RegistryEntry(@
ReportingTypeConfig |
An XML ReportingType(@
ReportLevelTypesConfig |
An XML ReportLevelTypes(@
ReportTemplateConfig |
An XML ReportTemplate(@
ReportTemplateDocumentConfig |
A document containing one reportTemplate(@ element.
ReportTypeConfig |
An XML ReportType(@
RequestStepConfig |
An XML RequestStep(@
RequirementConfig |
An XML Requirement(@
RequirementsTypeConfig |
An XML RequirementsType(@
RestMethodConfig |
An XML RestMethod(@
RESTMockActionConfig |
An XML RESTMockAction(@
RESTMockResponseConfig |
An XML RESTMockResponse(@
RESTMockServiceConfig |
An XML RESTMockService(@
RestParameterConfig |
An XML RestParameter(@
RestParameterConfig.Style |
An XML style(@
RestParametersConfig |
An XML RestParameters(@
RestRequestConfig |
An XML RestRequest(@
RestRequestStepConfig |
An XML RestRequestStep(@
RestResourceConfig |
An XML RestResource(@
RestResourceRepresentationConfig |
An XML RestResourceRepresentation(@
RestResourceRepresentationTypeConfig |
An XML RestResourceRepresentationType(@
RestServiceConfig |
An XML RestService(@
RunTestCaseRunModeTypeConfig |
An XML RunTestCaseRunModeType(@
RunTestCaseStepConfig |
An XML RunTestCaseStep(@
RunTestSuiteStepConfig |
An XML RunTestSuiteStep(@
SchemaTypeForSecurityCheckConfig |
An XML SchemaTypeForSecurityCheck(@
SchemaTypeForSecurityScanConfig |
An XML SchemaTypeForSecurityScan(@
ScopeTypeConfig |
An XML scopeType(@
ScriptConfig |
An XML Script(@
SearchPatternsConfig |
An XML SearchPatterns(@
SearchPatternsDocumentConfig |
A document containing one searchPatterns(@ element.
SecurityCheckConfig |
An XML SecurityCheck(@
SecurityScanConfig |
An XML SecurityScan(@
SecurityTestConfig |
An XML SecurityTest(@
SensitiveInformationConfig |
An XML SensitiveInformation(@
ServiceConfig |
An XML Service(@
ServiceConfig.Type |
An XML type(@).
SettingConfig |
An XML Setting(@
SettingsConfig |
An XML Settings(@
SoapUIActionConfig |
An XML SoapUIAction(@
SoapUIActionGroupConfig |
An XML SoapUIActionGroup(@
SoapUIActionMappingConfig |
An XML SoapUIActionMapping(@
SoapUIActionsConfig |
An XML SoapUIActions(@
SoapuiActionsDocumentConfig |
A document containing one soapui-actions(@ element.
SoapUIFactoriesConfig |
An XML SoapUIFactories(@
SoapuiFactoriesDocumentConfig |
A document containing one soapui-factories(@ element.
SoapUIFactoryConfig |
An XML SoapUIFactory(@
SoapUIListenerConfig |
An XML SoapUIListener(@
SoapUIListenersConfig |
An XML SoapUIListeners(@
SoapuiListenersDocumentConfig |
A document containing one soapui-listeners(@ element.
SoapuiProjectDocumentConfig |
A document containing one soapui-project(@ element.
SoapuiSettingsDocumentConfig |
A document containing one soapui-settings(@ element.
SoapuiWorkspaceDocumentConfig |
A document containing one soapui-workspace(@ element.
SoapVersionTypesConfig |
An XML SoapVersionTypes(@
SQLInjectionCheckConfig |
An XML SQLInjectionCheck(@
SQLInjectionScanConfig |
An XML SQLInjectionScan(@
StatusCodesTypeConfig |
An XML statusCodesType(@
StrategyTypeConfig |
An XML StrategyType(@
StringListConfig |
An XML StringList(@
StringToStringMapConfig |
An XML StringToStringMap(@
StringToStringMapConfig.Entry |
An XML entry(@
TestAssertionConfig |
An XML TestAssertion(@
TestCaseConfig |
An XML TestCase(@
TestCaseDocumentConfig |
A document containing one testCase(@ element.
TestCaseRunLogDocumentConfig |
A document containing one testCaseRunLog(@ element.
TestCaseRunLogDocumentConfig.TestCaseRunLog |
An XML testCaseRunLog(@
TestCaseRunLogDocumentConfig.TestCaseRunLog.TestCaseRunLogTestStep |
An XML testCaseRunLogTestStep(@
TestOnDemandCommandConfig |
An XML TestOnDemandCommand(@
TestOnDemandContentConfig |
An XML TestOnDemandContent(@
TestOnDemandFileConfig |
An XML TestOnDemandFile(@
TestOnDemandHeaderConfig |
An XML TestOnDemandHeader(@
TestOnDemandKeystoreConfig |
An XML TestOnDemandKeystore(@
TestOnDemandKeystorePasswordConfig |
An XML TestOnDemandKeystorePassword(@
TestOnDemandLocationBodyConfig |
An XML TestOnDemandLocationBody(@
TestOnDemandLocationsRequestDocumentConfig |
A document containing one TestOnDemandLocationsRequest(@ element.
TestOnDemandLocationsRequestDocumentConfig.TestOnDemandLocationsRequest |
An XML TestOnDemandLocationsRequest(@
TestOnDemandLocationsRequestDocumentConfig.TestOnDemandLocationsRequest.Request |
An XML Request(@
TestOnDemandProjectPasswordConfig |
An XML TestOnDemandProjectPassword(@
TestOnDemandTestCaseConfig |
An XML TestOnDemandTestCase(@
TestOnDemandTestSuiteConfig |
An XML TestOnDemandTestSuite(@
TestOnDemandTxnConfig |
An XML TestOnDemandTxn(@
TestOnDemandUploadBodyConfig |
An XML TestOnDemandUploadBody(@
TestOnDemandUploadRequestDocumentConfig |
A document containing one TestOnDemandUploadRequest(@ element.
TestOnDemandUploadRequestDocumentConfig.TestOnDemandUploadRequest |
An XML TestOnDemandUploadRequest(@
TestOnDemandUploadRequestDocumentConfig.TestOnDemandUploadRequest.Request |
An XML Request(@
TestScenarioConfig |
An XML TestScenario(@
TestStepConfig |
An XML TestStep(@
TestStepSecurityTestConfig |
An XML TestStepSecurityTest(@
TestSuiteConfig |
An XML TestSuite(@
TestSuiteDocumentConfig |
A document containing one testSuite(@ element.
TestSuiteRunTypesConfig |
An XML TestSuiteRunTypes(@
TimeUnitConfig |
An XML TimeUnit(@
TypeTypeConfig |
An XML typeType(@
WorkspaceConfig |
An XML Workspace(@
WorkspaceProjectConfig |
An XML WorkspaceProject(@
WorkspaceProjectConfig.Status |
An XML status(@).
WorkspaceProjectConfig.Type |
An XML type(@).
WsaConfigConfig |
An XML WsaConfig(@
WsaVersionTypeConfig |
An XML WsaVersionType(@
WsdlInterfaceConfig |
An XML WsdlInterface(@
WsdlRequestConfig |
An XML WsdlRequest(@
WsrmConfigConfig |
An XML WsrmConfig(@
WsrmVersionTypeConfig |
An XML WsrmVersionType(@
WSSAddTimestampConfig |
An XML WSSAddTimestamp(@
WSSAddUsernameEntryConfig |
An XML WSSAddUsernameEntry(@
WSSConfigApplyModeTypeConfig |
An XML WSSConfigApplyModeType(@
WssContainerConfig |
An XML WssContainer(@
WSSCryptoConfig |
An XML WSSCrypto(@
WSSEntryConfig |
An XML WSSEntry(@
WSSUsernamePasswordPasswordTypeConfig |
An XML WSSUsernamePasswordPasswordType(@
XmlBombSecurityCheckConfig |
An XML XmlBombSecurityCheck(@
XmlBombSecurityScanConfig |
An XML XmlBombSecurityScan(@
XmlTemplatesConfig |
An XML XmlTemplates(@
XmlTemplatesTypeConfig |
An XML XmlTemplatesType(@
XPathInjectionConfig |
An XML XPathInjection(@
Class | Description |
AbstractRequestConfig.Factory |
A factory class with static methods for creating instances
of this type.
AccessTokenPositionConfig.Enum |
Enumeration value class for com.eviware.soapui.config.AccessTokenPositionConfig.
AccessTokenPositionConfig.Factory |
A factory class with static methods for creating instances
of this type.
AccessTokenStatusConfig.Enum |
Enumeration value class for com.eviware.soapui.config.AccessTokenStatusConfig.
AccessTokenStatusConfig.Factory |
A factory class with static methods for creating instances
of this type.
ActionMappingPositionTypeConfig.Enum |
Enumeration value class for com.eviware.soapui.config.ActionMappingPositionTypeConfig.
ActionMappingPositionTypeConfig.Factory |
A factory class with static methods for creating instances
of this type.
AMFRequestTestStepConfig.Factory |
A factory class with static methods for creating instances
of this type.
AnonymousTypeConfig.Enum |
Enumeration value class for com.eviware.soapui.config.AnonymousTypeConfig.
AnonymousTypeConfig.Factory |
A factory class with static methods for creating instances
of this type.
AssertionEntryConfig.Factory |
A factory class with static methods for creating instances
of this type.
AssertionTestStepConfig.Factory |
A factory class with static methods for creating instances
of this type.
AsyncResponseStepConfig.Factory |
A factory class with static methods for creating instances
of this type.
AttachmentConfig.Factory |
A factory class with static methods for creating instances
of this type.
BaseMockOperationConfig.Factory |
A factory class with static methods for creating instances
of this type.
BaseMockResponseConfig.Factory |
A factory class with static methods for creating instances
of this type.
BaseMockServiceConfig.Factory |
A factory class with static methods for creating instances
of this type.
BreakPointConfig.Factory |
A factory class with static methods for creating instances
of this type.
BreakPointPropertiesConfig.Factory |
A factory class with static methods for creating instances
of this type.
CheckedParameterConfig.Factory |
A factory class with static methods for creating instances
of this type.
CheckedParametersListConfig.Factory |
A factory class with static methods for creating instances
of this type.
CompressedStringConfig.Factory |
A factory class with static methods for creating instances
of this type.
CredentialsConfig.AuthType.Enum |
Enumeration value class for com.eviware.soapui.config.CredentialsConfig$AuthType.
CredentialsConfig.AuthType.Factory |
A factory class with static methods for creating instances
of this type.
CredentialsConfig.Factory |
A factory class with static methods for creating instances
of this type.
CrossSiteScriptingScanConfig.Factory |
A factory class with static methods for creating instances
of this type.
DatabaseConnectionConfig.Factory |
A factory class with static methods for creating instances
of this type.
DatabaseConnectionContainerConfig.Factory |
A factory class with static methods for creating instances
of this type.
DataGeneratorPropertyConfig.Factory |
A factory class with static methods for creating instances
of this type.
DataGeneratorPropertyConfig.Mode.Enum |
Enumeration value class for com.eviware.soapui.config.DataGeneratorPropertyConfig$Mode.
DataGeneratorPropertyConfig.Mode.Factory |
A factory class with static methods for creating instances
of this type.
DataGeneratorStepConfig.Factory |
A factory class with static methods for creating instances
of this type.
DataSinkConfig.Factory |
A factory class with static methods for creating instances
of this type.
DataSinkStepConfig.Factory |
A factory class with static methods for creating instances
of this type.
DataSourceConfig.Factory |
A factory class with static methods for creating instances
of this type.
DataSourceLoopStepConfig.Factory |
A factory class with static methods for creating instances
of this type.
DataSourceStepConfig.Factory |
A factory class with static methods for creating instances
of this type.
DataSourceTypeConfig.Enum |
Enumeration value class for com.eviware.soapui.config.DataSourceTypeConfig.
DataSourceTypeConfig.Factory |
A factory class with static methods for creating instances
of this type.
DefaultEndpointStrategyConfig.Factory |
A factory class with static methods for creating instances
of this type.
DefinitionCacheConfig.Factory |
A factory class with static methods for creating instances
of this type.
DefinitionCacheTypeConfig.Enum |
Enumeration value class for com.eviware.soapui.config.DefinitionCacheTypeConfig.
DefinitionCacheTypeConfig.Factory |
A factory class with static methods for creating instances
of this type.
DefintionPartConfig.Factory |
A factory class with static methods for creating instances
of this type.
DriverConfigConfig.Factory |
A factory class with static methods for creating instances
of this type.
DriversTypeConfig.Factory |
A factory class with static methods for creating instances
of this type.
EndpointConfig.Factory |
A factory class with static methods for creating instances
of this type.
EndpointConfig.Mode.Enum |
Enumeration value class for com.eviware.soapui.config.EndpointConfig$Mode.
EndpointConfig.Mode.Factory |
A factory class with static methods for creating instances
of this type.
EndpointGroupConfig.Factory |
A factory class with static methods for creating instances
of this type.
EndpointGroupEndpointConfig.Factory |
A factory class with static methods for creating instances
of this type.
EndpointsConfig.Factory |
A factory class with static methods for creating instances
of this type.
EndpointStrategyConfig.Factory |
A factory class with static methods for creating instances
of this type.
EnvironmentConfig.Factory |
A factory class with static methods for creating instances
of this type.
EnvironmentEndpointConfig.Factory |
A factory class with static methods for creating instances
of this type.
EventHandlerTypeConfig.Factory |
A factory class with static methods for creating instances
of this type.
ExecutionStrategyConfig.Factory |
A factory class with static methods for creating instances
of this type.
FuzzerConfig.Factory |
A factory class with static methods for creating instances
of this type.
FuzzerScanConfig.Factory |
A factory class with static methods for creating instances
of this type.
GotoConditionConfig.Factory |
A factory class with static methods for creating instances
of this type.
GotoConditionTypeConfig.Enum |
Enumeration value class for com.eviware.soapui.config.GotoConditionTypeConfig.
GotoConditionTypeConfig.Factory |
A factory class with static methods for creating instances
of this type.
GotoStepConfig.Factory |
A factory class with static methods for creating instances
of this type.
GroovySecurityCheckConfig.Factory |
A factory class with static methods for creating instances
of this type.
GroovySecurityScanConfig.Factory |
A factory class with static methods for creating instances
of this type.
GroupAssertionListConfig.Factory |
A factory class with static methods for creating instances
of this type.
HeaderConfig.Factory |
A factory class with static methods for creating instances
of this type.
HttpRequestConfig.Factory |
A factory class with static methods for creating instances
of this type.
IncomingWssConfig.Factory |
A factory class with static methods for creating instances
of this type.
InterfaceConfig.Factory |
A factory class with static methods for creating instances
of this type.
InterfaceDocumentConfig.Factory |
A factory class with static methods for creating instances
of this type.
InvalidSecurityCheckConfig.Factory |
A factory class with static methods for creating instances
of this type.
InvalidSecurityScanConfig.Factory |
A factory class with static methods for creating instances
of this type.
JdbcRequestTestStepConfig.Factory |
A factory class with static methods for creating instances
of this type.
JMSDeliveryModeTypeConfig.Enum |
Enumeration value class for com.eviware.soapui.config.JMSDeliveryModeTypeConfig.
JMSDeliveryModeTypeConfig.Factory |
A factory class with static methods for creating instances
of this type.
JMSHeaderConfConfig.Factory |
A factory class with static methods for creating instances
of this type.
JMSPropertiesConfConfig.Factory |
A factory class with static methods for creating instances
of this type.
JMSPropertyConfig.Factory |
A factory class with static methods for creating instances
of this type.
KeyIdentifierTypeConfig.Enum |
Enumeration value class for com.eviware.soapui.config.KeyIdentifierTypeConfig.
KeyIdentifierTypeConfig.Factory |
A factory class with static methods for creating instances
of this type.
KeyMaterialCryptoConfig.Factory |
A factory class with static methods for creating instances
of this type.
LoadStrategyConfig.Factory |
A factory class with static methods for creating instances
of this type.
LoadTestAssertionConfig.Factory |
A factory class with static methods for creating instances
of this type.
LoadTestConfig.Factory |
A factory class with static methods for creating instances
of this type.
LoadTestLimitTypesConfig.Enum |
Enumeration value class for com.eviware.soapui.config.LoadTestLimitTypesConfig.
LoadTestLimitTypesConfig.Factory |
A factory class with static methods for creating instances
of this type.
LockedFileInfoConfig.Factory |
A factory class with static methods for creating instances
of this type.
LockedFileInfoDocumentConfig.Factory |
A factory class with static methods for creating instances
of this type.
MalformedXmlAttributeConfig.Factory |
A factory class with static methods for creating instances
of this type.
MalformedXmlConfig.Factory |
A factory class with static methods for creating instances
of this type.
MaliciousAttachmentConfig.Factory |
A factory class with static methods for creating instances
of this type.
MaliciousAttachmentElementConfig.Factory |
A factory class with static methods for creating instances
of this type.
MaliciousAttachmentSecurityCheckConfig.Factory |
A factory class with static methods for creating instances
of this type.
MaliciousAttachmentSecurityScanConfig.Factory |
A factory class with static methods for creating instances
of this type.
ManualTestStepConfig.Factory |
A factory class with static methods for creating instances
of this type.
MessageContentAssertionConfig.Factory |
A factory class with static methods for creating instances
of this type.
MessageContentElementConfig.Factory |
A factory class with static methods for creating instances
of this type.
MockOperationConfig.Factory |
A factory class with static methods for creating instances
of this type.
MockOperationDispatchStyleConfig.Enum |
Enumeration value class for com.eviware.soapui.config.MockOperationDispatchStyleConfig.
MockOperationDispatchStyleConfig.Factory |
A factory class with static methods for creating instances
of this type.
MockOperationDocumentConfig.Factory |
A factory class with static methods for creating instances
of this type.
MockOperationQueryMatchDispatchConfig.Factory |
A factory class with static methods for creating instances
of this type.
MockOperationQueryMatchDispatchConfig.Query.Factory |
A factory class with static methods for creating instances
of this type.
MockResponseConfig.Factory |
A factory class with static methods for creating instances
of this type.
MockResponseStepConfig.Factory |
A factory class with static methods for creating instances
of this type.
MockServiceConfig.Factory |
A factory class with static methods for creating instances
of this type.
MockServiceDocumentConfig.Factory |
A factory class with static methods for creating instances
of this type.
ModelItemConfig.Factory |
A factory class with static methods for creating instances
of this type.
MustUnderstandTypeConfig.Enum |
Enumeration value class for com.eviware.soapui.config.MustUnderstandTypeConfig.
MustUnderstandTypeConfig.Factory |
A factory class with static methods for creating instances
of this type.
NewAttributeAttributeConfig.Factory |
A factory class with static methods for creating instances
of this type.
NewXSDComplexTypeConfig.Factory |
A factory class with static methods for creating instances
of this type.
OAuth1ProfileConfig.Factory |
A factory class with static methods for creating instances
of this type.
OAuth1ProfileContainerConfig.Factory |
A factory class with static methods for creating instances
of this type.
OAuth2FlowConfig.Enum |
Enumeration value class for com.eviware.soapui.config.OAuth2FlowConfig.
OAuth2FlowConfig.Factory |
A factory class with static methods for creating instances
of this type.
OAuth2ProfileConfig.Factory |
A factory class with static methods for creating instances
of this type.
OAuth2ProfileContainerConfig.Factory |
A factory class with static methods for creating instances
of this type.
OldRestRequestConfig.Factory |
A factory class with static methods for creating instances
of this type.
OperationConfig.Factory |
A factory class with static methods for creating instances
of this type.
OperationDocumentConfig.Factory |
A factory class with static methods for creating instances
of this type.
OperationStylesConfig.Enum |
Enumeration value class for com.eviware.soapui.config.OperationStylesConfig.
OperationStylesConfig.Factory |
A factory class with static methods for creating instances
of this type.
OperationTypesConfig.Enum |
Enumeration value class for com.eviware.soapui.config.OperationTypesConfig.
OperationTypesConfig.Factory |
A factory class with static methods for creating instances
of this type.
OutgoingWssConfig.Factory |
A factory class with static methods for creating instances
of this type.
ParameterExposureCheckConfig.Factory |
A factory class with static methods for creating instances
of this type.
PartsConfig.Factory |
A factory class with static methods for creating instances
of this type.
PartsConfig.Part.Factory |
A factory class with static methods for creating instances
of this type.
ProjectConfig.Factory |
A factory class with static methods for creating instances
of this type.
PropertiesStepConfig.Factory |
A factory class with static methods for creating instances
of this type.
PropertiesTypeConfig.Factory |
A factory class with static methods for creating instances
of this type.
PropertyConfig.Factory |
A factory class with static methods for creating instances
of this type.
PropertyTransferConfig.Factory |
A factory class with static methods for creating instances
of this type.
PropertyTransferSourceTypeConfig.Enum |
Enumeration value class for com.eviware.soapui.config.PropertyTransferSourceTypeConfig.
PropertyTransferSourceTypeConfig.Factory |
A factory class with static methods for creating instances
of this type.
PropertyTransfersStepConfig.Factory |
A factory class with static methods for creating instances
of this type.
PropertyTransferTargetTypeConfig.Enum |
Enumeration value class for com.eviware.soapui.config.PropertyTransferTargetTypeConfig.
PropertyTransferTargetTypeConfig.Factory |
A factory class with static methods for creating instances
of this type.
PropertyTransferTypesConfig.Enum |
Enumeration value class for com.eviware.soapui.config.PropertyTransferTypesConfig.
PropertyTransferTypesConfig.Factory |
A factory class with static methods for creating instances
of this type.
ReflectedXSSCheckConfig.Factory |
A factory class with static methods for creating instances
of this type.
ReflectedXSSScanConfig.Factory |
A factory class with static methods for creating instances
of this type.
RefreshAccessTokenMethodConfig.Enum |
Enumeration value class for com.eviware.soapui.config.RefreshAccessTokenMethodConfig.
RefreshAccessTokenMethodConfig.Factory |
A factory class with static methods for creating instances
of this type.
RegexConfig.Factory |
A factory class with static methods for creating instances
of this type.
RegistryEntryConfig.Factory |
A factory class with static methods for creating instances
of this type.
ReportingTypeConfig.Factory |
A factory class with static methods for creating instances
of this type.
ReportLevelTypesConfig.Enum |
Enumeration value class for com.eviware.soapui.config.ReportLevelTypesConfig.
ReportLevelTypesConfig.Factory |
A factory class with static methods for creating instances
of this type.
ReportTemplateConfig.Factory |
A factory class with static methods for creating instances
of this type.
ReportTemplateDocumentConfig.Factory |
A factory class with static methods for creating instances
of this type.
ReportTypeConfig.Enum |
Enumeration value class for com.eviware.soapui.config.ReportTypeConfig.
ReportTypeConfig.Factory |
A factory class with static methods for creating instances
of this type.
RequestStepConfig.Factory |
A factory class with static methods for creating instances
of this type.
RequirementConfig.Factory |
A factory class with static methods for creating instances
of this type.
RequirementsTypeConfig.Factory |
A factory class with static methods for creating instances
of this type.
RestMethodConfig.Factory |
A factory class with static methods for creating instances
of this type.
RESTMockActionConfig.Factory |
A factory class with static methods for creating instances
of this type.
RESTMockResponseConfig.Factory |
A factory class with static methods for creating instances
of this type.
RESTMockServiceConfig.Factory |
A factory class with static methods for creating instances
of this type.
RestParameterConfig.Factory |
A factory class with static methods for creating instances
of this type.
RestParameterConfig.Style.Enum |
Enumeration value class for com.eviware.soapui.config.RestParameterConfig$Style.
RestParameterConfig.Style.Factory |
A factory class with static methods for creating instances
of this type.
RestParametersConfig.Factory |
A factory class with static methods for creating instances
of this type.
RestRequestConfig.Factory |
A factory class with static methods for creating instances
of this type.
RestRequestStepConfig.Factory |
A factory class with static methods for creating instances
of this type.
RestResourceConfig.Factory |
A factory class with static methods for creating instances
of this type.
RestResourceRepresentationConfig.Factory |
A factory class with static methods for creating instances
of this type.
RestResourceRepresentationTypeConfig.Enum |
Enumeration value class for com.eviware.soapui.config.RestResourceRepresentationTypeConfig.
RestResourceRepresentationTypeConfig.Factory |
A factory class with static methods for creating instances
of this type.
RestServiceConfig.Factory |
A factory class with static methods for creating instances
of this type.
RunTestCaseRunModeTypeConfig.Enum |
Enumeration value class for com.eviware.soapui.config.RunTestCaseRunModeTypeConfig.
RunTestCaseRunModeTypeConfig.Factory |
A factory class with static methods for creating instances
of this type.
RunTestCaseStepConfig.Factory |
A factory class with static methods for creating instances
of this type.
RunTestSuiteStepConfig.Factory |
A factory class with static methods for creating instances
of this type.
SchemaTypeForSecurityCheckConfig.Factory |
A factory class with static methods for creating instances
of this type.
SchemaTypeForSecurityScanConfig.Factory |
A factory class with static methods for creating instances
of this type.
ScopeTypeConfig.Enum |
Enumeration value class for com.eviware.soapui.config.ScopeTypeConfig.
ScopeTypeConfig.Factory |
A factory class with static methods for creating instances
of this type.
ScriptConfig.Factory |
A factory class with static methods for creating instances
of this type.
SearchPatternsConfig.Factory |
A factory class with static methods for creating instances
of this type.
SearchPatternsDocumentConfig.Factory |
A factory class with static methods for creating instances
of this type.
SecurityCheckConfig.Factory |
A factory class with static methods for creating instances
of this type.
SecurityScanConfig.Factory |
A factory class with static methods for creating instances
of this type.
SecurityTestConfig.Factory |
A factory class with static methods for creating instances
of this type.
SensitiveInformationConfig.Factory |
A factory class with static methods for creating instances
of this type.
ServiceConfig.Factory |
A factory class with static methods for creating instances
of this type.
ServiceConfig.Type.Enum |
Enumeration value class for com.eviware.soapui.config.ServiceConfig$Type.
ServiceConfig.Type.Factory |
A factory class with static methods for creating instances
of this type.
SettingConfig.Factory |
A factory class with static methods for creating instances
of this type.
SettingsConfig.Factory |
A factory class with static methods for creating instances
of this type.
SoapUIActionConfig.Factory |
A factory class with static methods for creating instances
of this type.
SoapUIActionGroupConfig.Factory |
A factory class with static methods for creating instances
of this type.
SoapUIActionMappingConfig.Factory |
A factory class with static methods for creating instances
of this type.
SoapUIActionsConfig.Factory |
A factory class with static methods for creating instances
of this type.
SoapuiActionsDocumentConfig.Factory |
A factory class with static methods for creating instances
of this type.
SoapUIFactoriesConfig.Factory |
A factory class with static methods for creating instances
of this type.
SoapuiFactoriesDocumentConfig.Factory |
A factory class with static methods for creating instances
of this type.
SoapUIFactoryConfig.Factory |
A factory class with static methods for creating instances
of this type.
SoapUIListenerConfig.Factory |
A factory class with static methods for creating instances
of this type.
SoapUIListenersConfig.Factory |
A factory class with static methods for creating instances
of this type.
SoapuiListenersDocumentConfig.Factory |
A factory class with static methods for creating instances
of this type.
SoapuiProjectDocumentConfig.Factory |
A factory class with static methods for creating instances
of this type.
SoapuiSettingsDocumentConfig.Factory |
A factory class with static methods for creating instances
of this type.
SoapuiWorkspaceDocumentConfig.Factory |
A factory class with static methods for creating instances
of this type.
SoapVersionTypesConfig.Enum |
Enumeration value class for com.eviware.soapui.config.SoapVersionTypesConfig.
SoapVersionTypesConfig.Factory |
A factory class with static methods for creating instances
of this type.
SQLInjectionCheckConfig.Factory |
A factory class with static methods for creating instances
of this type.
SQLInjectionScanConfig.Factory |
A factory class with static methods for creating instances
of this type.
StatusCodesTypeConfig.Factory |
A factory class with static methods for creating instances
of this type.
StrategyTypeConfig.Enum |
Enumeration value class for com.eviware.soapui.config.StrategyTypeConfig.
StrategyTypeConfig.Factory |
A factory class with static methods for creating instances
of this type.
StringListConfig.Factory |
A factory class with static methods for creating instances
of this type.
StringToStringMapConfig.Entry.Factory |
A factory class with static methods for creating instances
of this type.
StringToStringMapConfig.Factory |
A factory class with static methods for creating instances
of this type.
TestAssertionConfig.Factory |
A factory class with static methods for creating instances
of this type.
TestCaseConfig.Factory |
A factory class with static methods for creating instances
of this type.
TestCaseDocumentConfig.Factory |
A factory class with static methods for creating instances
of this type.
TestCaseRunLogDocumentConfig.Factory |
A factory class with static methods for creating instances
of this type.
TestCaseRunLogDocumentConfig.TestCaseRunLog.Factory |
A factory class with static methods for creating instances
of this type.
TestCaseRunLogDocumentConfig.TestCaseRunLog.TestCaseRunLogTestStep.Factory |
A factory class with static methods for creating instances
of this type.
TestOnDemandCommandConfig.Factory |
A factory class with static methods for creating instances
of this type.
TestOnDemandContentConfig.Factory |
A factory class with static methods for creating instances
of this type.
TestOnDemandFileConfig.Factory |
A factory class with static methods for creating instances
of this type.
TestOnDemandHeaderConfig.Factory |
A factory class with static methods for creating instances
of this type.
TestOnDemandKeystoreConfig.Factory |
A factory class with static methods for creating instances
of this type.
TestOnDemandKeystorePasswordConfig.Factory |
A factory class with static methods for creating instances
of this type.
TestOnDemandLocationBodyConfig.Factory |
A factory class with static methods for creating instances
of this type.
TestOnDemandLocationsRequestDocumentConfig.Factory |
A factory class with static methods for creating instances
of this type.
TestOnDemandLocationsRequestDocumentConfig.TestOnDemandLocationsRequest.Factory |
A factory class with static methods for creating instances
of this type.
TestOnDemandLocationsRequestDocumentConfig.TestOnDemandLocationsRequest.Request.Factory |
A factory class with static methods for creating instances
of this type.
TestOnDemandProjectPasswordConfig.Factory |
A factory class with static methods for creating instances
of this type.
TestOnDemandTestCaseConfig.Factory |
A factory class with static methods for creating instances
of this type.
TestOnDemandTestSuiteConfig.Factory |
A factory class with static methods for creating instances
of this type.
TestOnDemandTxnConfig.Factory |
A factory class with static methods for creating instances
of this type.
TestOnDemandUploadBodyConfig.Factory |
A factory class with static methods for creating instances
of this type.
TestOnDemandUploadRequestDocumentConfig.Factory |
A factory class with static methods for creating instances
of this type.
TestOnDemandUploadRequestDocumentConfig.TestOnDemandUploadRequest.Factory |
A factory class with static methods for creating instances
of this type.
TestOnDemandUploadRequestDocumentConfig.TestOnDemandUploadRequest.Request.Factory |
A factory class with static methods for creating instances
of this type.
TestScenarioConfig.Factory |
A factory class with static methods for creating instances
of this type.
TestStepConfig.Factory |
A factory class with static methods for creating instances
of this type.
TestStepSecurityTestConfig.Factory |
A factory class with static methods for creating instances
of this type.
TestSuiteConfig.Factory |
A factory class with static methods for creating instances
of this type.
TestSuiteDocumentConfig.Factory |
A factory class with static methods for creating instances
of this type.
TestSuiteRunTypesConfig.Enum |
Enumeration value class for com.eviware.soapui.config.TestSuiteRunTypesConfig.
TestSuiteRunTypesConfig.Factory |
A factory class with static methods for creating instances
of this type.
TimeUnitConfig.Enum |
Enumeration value class for com.eviware.soapui.config.TimeUnitConfig.
TimeUnitConfig.Factory |
A factory class with static methods for creating instances
of this type.
TypeTypeConfig.Factory |
A factory class with static methods for creating instances
of this type.
WorkspaceConfig.Factory |
A factory class with static methods for creating instances
of this type.
WorkspaceProjectConfig.Factory |
A factory class with static methods for creating instances
of this type.
WorkspaceProjectConfig.Status.Enum |
Enumeration value class for com.eviware.soapui.config.WorkspaceProjectConfig$Status.
WorkspaceProjectConfig.Status.Factory |
A factory class with static methods for creating instances
of this type.
WorkspaceProjectConfig.Type.Enum |
Enumeration value class for com.eviware.soapui.config.WorkspaceProjectConfig$Type.
WorkspaceProjectConfig.Type.Factory |
A factory class with static methods for creating instances
of this type.
WsaConfigConfig.Factory |
A factory class with static methods for creating instances
of this type.
WsaVersionTypeConfig.Enum |
Enumeration value class for com.eviware.soapui.config.WsaVersionTypeConfig.
WsaVersionTypeConfig.Factory |
A factory class with static methods for creating instances
of this type.
WsdlInterfaceConfig.Factory |
A factory class with static methods for creating instances
of this type.
WsdlRequestConfig.Factory |
A factory class with static methods for creating instances
of this type.
WsrmConfigConfig.Factory |
A factory class with static methods for creating instances
of this type.
WsrmVersionTypeConfig.Enum |
Enumeration value class for com.eviware.soapui.config.WsrmVersionTypeConfig.
WsrmVersionTypeConfig.Factory |
A factory class with static methods for creating instances
of this type.
WSSAddTimestampConfig.Factory |
A factory class with static methods for creating instances
of this type.
WSSAddUsernameEntryConfig.Factory |
A factory class with static methods for creating instances
of this type.
WSSConfigApplyModeTypeConfig.Enum |
Enumeration value class for com.eviware.soapui.config.WSSConfigApplyModeTypeConfig.
WSSConfigApplyModeTypeConfig.Factory |
A factory class with static methods for creating instances
of this type.
WssContainerConfig.Factory |
A factory class with static methods for creating instances
of this type.
WSSCryptoConfig.Factory |
A factory class with static methods for creating instances
of this type.
WSSEntryConfig.Factory |
A factory class with static methods for creating instances
of this type.
WSSUsernamePasswordPasswordTypeConfig.Enum |
Enumeration value class for com.eviware.soapui.config.WSSUsernamePasswordPasswordTypeConfig.
WSSUsernamePasswordPasswordTypeConfig.Factory |
A factory class with static methods for creating instances
of this type.
XmlBombSecurityCheckConfig.Factory |
A factory class with static methods for creating instances
of this type.
XmlBombSecurityScanConfig.Factory |
A factory class with static methods for creating instances
of this type.
XmlTemplatesConfig.Factory |
A factory class with static methods for creating instances
of this type.
XmlTemplatesTypeConfig.Factory |
A factory class with static methods for creating instances
of this type.
XPathInjectionConfig.Factory |
A factory class with static methods for creating instances
of this type.
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