API Functional Testing Best Practices

API Testing 101
Getting Started With API TestingHere at SoapUI.org, we are committed to making API testing easy and reliable for everyone. We believe that API...
Test First
A popular job interview question is: at what point should QA get involved in the SDLC – Software Development Life Cycle? The answer is more...
Structuring your tests
Best Practices: Structuring Your TestsAt the lowest level, a test step verifies a single action. Grouping test steps into a test case allows...
Scenario-based Testing
Best Practices: Scenario-Based TestingScenario TestsWhen you have all the test pieces, as well as sufficient in-depth understanding of the AUT, you...
Negative Testing
Best Practices: Negative TestingNegative testing is probably the most hated category of tests by development: the equivalent of whining. In code...
API Testing Strategy Best Practices
Best Practices: Deciding What to TestIn the article Structuring Your Tests we discussed some techniques on how to break up your tests into...
The Gap Between Your API Testing Goals and Reality
The vast majority of enterprises recognize the wisdom of powering their API tests with data.In a live webinar we did on the topic of data-driven...
Testing a REST API: Getting Started
Testing REST APIs example: Build your own application to give it a tryIf you decide a REST API is well-suited to you and your customers&rsquo...
The State of IoT Testing
What is the current state of Internet of Things testing?Is there a current state of IoT testing? The Internet of Things is in its infancy, making...
Functional Testing & Performance Testing Go Hand in Hand
When asked about the tools they are using to deliver high quality APIs, API providers said that on average, they are using four different API...