The SoapUI comes with a number of bundled plugins. The SoapUI installer automatically copies them to your computer.
Note: These plugins are not supported by SmartBear and are provided for convenience.

AlertSite Connector
Allows you to re-use your existing test cases and create monitors out of them that can be run from AlertSite’s global network of nodes or from inside your firewall.
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MQTT Test Steps
Provides two new test steps – one for publish and one for subscribe to be used with an MQTT broker.
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Swagger Connector
Allows you to import Swagger API definitions into your projects and to export definitions in the Swagger format.
Important: Since SoapUI Open Source version 5.7.0 this functionality is built into the product. The plugin is no longer needed.
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Allows you to easily import API definitions from and publish your definitions to SwaggerHub.
Important: Since SoapUI Open Source version 5.7.0 this functionality is built into the product. The plugin is no longer needed.
About SwaggerHub
More information on the plugin