REST Discovery Generate Services
Clicking the Generate services… button brings up the Generate Services window.

This will create all the captured REST requests as a list of interfaces in the project. They will be ordered in the same order the actions were performed when doing the discovery.
Services + TestSuite
Chosing Services + Test Suite will let you choose between three options:
- Pick an existing TestSuite and TestCase to put the interfaces in.
- You can also choose an existing TestSuite, but add a new TestCase for the interfaces.
- Alternatively, you can create a brand new TestSuite with a new TestCase containing all the requests, as interfaces.
Existing TestSuite and TestCase
For existing TestSuite and TestCase, simply select the combination in the dropdown menu.

In a large project, this list may be long.
Existing TestSuite, New TestCase
For an existing TestSuite with a new TestCase, select that combination in the dropdown menu.

Create New TestSuite
In order to create a new TestSuite and new Testcase, select that option in the menu.

You will then be prompted to add a name for the new TestSuite:

This is followed by asking you to name the new TestSuite:

When all interfaces have been generated, the success window is displayed:

Close REST Discovery
With the Close Discovery checkbox checked, the Discovery window will close when you click OK.
Note: When you close the Discovery window, all recorded requests will be discarded. Leave the discovery window open if you plan to generate more services based on the same discovery.