The JDBC Request Window

NOTE: Some features mentioned on this page are only available in standalone SoapUI Pro that has been replaced with ReadyAPI. To try enhanced JDBC testing functionality, feel free to download a ReadyAPI trial from our website.

Overview - JDBC Request Window


Option Description
1_snag_evi JDBC Request TestStep Toolbar Overall control of the JDBC Request TestStep
2_snag_evi Parameters Toolbar Control over JDBC Request TestStep parameters
3_snag_evi Parameters Table Table of parameters to be replaced when running the query
Configured JDBC Connection 3_snag_evi JDBC Connection to select from a list of connections defined on a project level
Configure Button for the Connection 3_snag_evi Starts the wizard for re-configuring current selected connection
4_snag_evi Driver Used in case connection is set to NONE. You can find links to the most common drivers here.
5_snag_evi Connection string Used in case connection is set to NONE
Password 3_snag_evi Used in case connection is set to NONE
Configure Button for Plain
Connecting Properties 3_snag_evi
Starts the wizard for configuring plain connection properties
6_snag_evi Test Connection Button Tests if the connection to database can be established for given option
7_snag_evi SQL Query Area SQL Query to be executed
8_snag_evi Stored Procedure Check Box Indicates if given query is a call of stored procedure
Build Query Button 3_snag_evi Builds the query by using a wizard
9_snag_evi Assertions Inspector Panel List of assertions for the response
10_snag_evi Request Log Inspector Panel Log of requests
11_snag_evi XML Result View Displays the query result in plain XML
Outline Result View Displays the query result in outline view

JDBC Request TestStep Toolbar


Option Description
run Run Submit JDBC Request
abort-request Abort Abort ongoing JDBC request
addAssertion Add assertion Add an assertion to JDBC Request

Parameters Toolbar


Option Description
add_property Add Adds a property to the property list
remove_property Remove Removes the selected property from the property list
up_arrow Move Up Moves selected property up one row
down_arrow Move Down Moves selected property down one row
clear_properties Clear Clears all current property values
load_properties Load Loads property values from an external file
set_properties_target Save Saves current property values to a file

Parameters Table


Option Description
Name Unique parameter identifier
Value Parameter value to be replaced in the SQL query

Configuring connection properties 3_snag_evi


Test the connection



Building Complex Queries by Using a Wizard 3_snag_evi




and in case of stored procedures


JDBC Assertions


Option Description
JDBC Timeout Asserts if JDBC request got response in the amount of time specified as a JDBC TestStep property
JDBC Status Asserts if the query was successfully executed

Request Log


XML Result View


Outline Result View 3_snag_evi
