The Sample project for the Facebook API defines a number of core resources and a corresponding TestCase:

The TestCase performs the following TestSteps
- User Request: gets basic information for a specific user and validates that the response contains the expected link to the users facebook page. The user itself is specified in a project level property and used in both the request parameter and response assertion via property expansion.
- Me Request: gets basic information for the user identified by the access token (see below) and validates the facebook link accordingly
- Property Transfer: transfers the username in the response of the Me Request to the User Feed request
- User Feed: gets the user feed for the specified user and validates the response to contain a number of user actions.
Authentication is performed by specifying a facebook access token in the requests:

The project stores the access token as a project property and inserts it into the request via property-expansion.
Read more about the Facebook APIs and get an access token at
Download Facebook Sample Project